Akbar V, who never saw a struggle tweet she didn't like, decided to audition to be Nicki Minaj's lead "Helper" in her one-sided beefs with female rappers by taking a shot at Latto.
To summarize her struggle tweet, she lectured the "new girls" on not thinking they are on the same level as

Nicki Minaj when they have not yet accomplished as much as her.
This tweet is a prime example of why her ass was chosen for this "Queen Mix." I mean, goddamn, talk about jumping in a grave with somebody.
The only girl being falsely accused of saying she is on the same level as Nicki Minaj is Latto A.K.A, Queen of da Souf. So, first off, Akbar is speaking on shit that never happened. Secondly, if girls can't compare themselves to someone who has done more than them due to the advantage of a 10-year headstart, cause let's be honest; at 23 years old, Latto has accomplished more than a 23-year-old Nicki, then how can someone like Akbar take shots at Big Latto. We all know that Latto has done way more than Akbar, so she should keep her lectures in her drafts.
The unnecessary drama is why this song is not getting the hype it should. Hello, "Say So" remix.

In the past, I told ya'll that whatever deal Nicki Minaj made to get herself out of being blackballed may have required her starting beefs with the main girls. While Nicki Minaj's "bad guy" persona may be harmful to her legacy, it's the one thing that keeps her an asset in an industry that does not have much use for a 40-year-old female rapper. Nicki Minaj playing the "heel," much like when Hulk Hogan turned bad, allows for salacious headlines, and if any of the girls take the bait could lead to diss tracks; the one thing missing from the Cardi B vs. Nicki Minaj beef.
If Card B vs. Nicki Minaj made a lot of people rich. Just imagine how much money Nicki vs. everybody could generate.
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Although female rap still has a LONG way to go. Nicki and the barbs DO NOT like the fact that other girls exist. When everyone kept saying it when Cardi came I didn’t believe it. BUT the more girls that get a moment the more you start to realize that them mfers from 2017-2020 wasn’t lying! And the new emergence of female rappers can’t be compared to when Nicki had the floor to herself all of those years. Who popped around that time? Iggy? Dej Loaf? The only girl that applied pressure was Iggy and now Iggy trying to pretend like it never happened. There’s a reason why T.I trolled tf out of Nicki by placing her and Cardi on…
I don’t think the girls believe theyre on her level. Most of them just rap and try to mind their business(the ones that actually have something going for themselves ☕️). Her and the barbs just looking for SOMETHING to be outraged over and it ALWAYS come at a time when she release new music