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Writer's picture: Fck YayaFck Yaya

I am the Hip-Hop Dateline, 20/20, and 48 Hours all rolled up in one, did you think I forgot about Star Brim indictments? Naw, we're going to follow this case, especially with the possible link to a Grammy-winning "rapper".

To clarify, Star Brim was indicted in two different gang sweeps. One being handled by the Eastern District NY and one by the Southern District NY.

I find it interesting that two people who are linked to Cardi B were indicted for an incident where Cardi B had motive and the state feels it has enough evidence to charge her with, yet she was not included in the Eastern District indictment. FEDS could be waiting to build a stronger case against Cardi B due to her celebrity. However, if she is never charged, she is an informant or a judge is getting a new beach house....allegedly.


RECAP: On Tuesday, Feb. 18th, 2020, the Eastern District indicted Yonette Respass A.K.A. Star Brim along with 10 other 5-9 Brim gang members on racketeering conspiracy, murder, murder conspiracy, and fraud charges. Star Brim is charged with:

  • Conspiracy to Commit Racketeering - Count One

  • Maiming and Assault in Aid of Racketeering - Count Five (Bartender Incident)

Cardi B's Best Friend, Star Brim, Caught in FBI Gang Sweep and Charged With Attack on Bartenders at Queens Strip Club


On Tuesday, Feb. 18th, 2020, the Southern District indicted Yonette Respass A.K.A. Star Brim and 17 other 5-9 Brim gang members with racketeering offenses. Star Brim is named in counts 1 & 10.

  • Conspiracy to Commit Racketeering - Count One

  • Maiming and Assault in Aid of Racketeering - Count Ten

On "Count One," Star Brim faces up to 20 years. On "Count Ten," she faces 30 years.

Start Brim was identified as the highest-ranking female member of the 5-9 Brims, called the "Godmother". Due to Star Brim's pregnancy, she was not arrested. After she gives birth, she will turn herself in according to the agreement her lawyer makes with the FEDS.

I had posted about Star Brim's reason for getting pregnant. How she wanted the baby to save her from herself basically. Welp! - READ HERE



Jeffrey "Chuck Taylor" Bush is another 5-9 Brim gang member charged in this indictment by the Eastern District.

Jeffrey Bush Charged With Filming Attack on sisters Jade and Baddie Gi at Queens Strip Club For Cardi B.

Jeffrey Bush's name may sound familiar because he is also a co-defendant in Cardi B's case involving the attack on bartenders Jade and Baddie G. He was indicted for his role in this incident.

In 2019, while out on bail on the bartender case, Bush was charged with felony drug charges stemming from allegations of him selling cocaine. Law enforcement allegedly caught 6 drug deals done by Bush on surveillance video.



To show a connection between violent acts and the 5-9 Brims, the DOJ's press release used the attack on Jade and Baddie G as an example. They claim Star Brim ordered the attack on the sisters and that Jeffrey Bush filmed it.

Cardi B's Best Friend, Star Brim, Caught in FBI Gang Sweep and Charged With Attack on Bartenders at Queens Strip Club

You notice that the press release claims the motive for the attack was because the bartenders did not show the proper respect. But, the last sentence is very telling,

"Bush recorded the assault on his cell phone, and the video was sent to the gang member on behalf of whom Repass allegedly ordered the attack."

If I am reading the last sentence correctly, it is saying that the video was sent to the gang member who Star Brim ordered the attack for. You use the term "on behalf of whom" when you are doing something to benefit someone else. I do not think this was an error, I think this is one of the many ways they are letting Cardi B know they are coming for her. Not only that but she is viewed as a gang member.

I am guessing that the video was sent to Cardi B. She was not happy with the first attack and sent word to Star Brim. Cardi can't order an official gang attack, she is technically a "drop". But she can let her "Godmother" know she is willing to pay to have someone's "bottle popped." To make sure the second attack on Jade and Baddie G were done to her satisfaction, Cardi B tags along for the second attack.

This is why Cardi B hasn't been able to get her case dismissed. The FEDS/State prosecutors probably have all the text and social media messages between Cardi B and Venom...Oops, I mean Star Brim and other gang members. Hell, they probably have all those threats that were made against Nicki Minaj and Rah Ali after Knot-gate.


SIDENOTE: Y'all remember that as Cardi was receiving her knot, Patience was recording the incident. The same way Jeffrey Bush was ordered to record the attacks on the bartenders? I thought they were trying to get a video of Nicki being beaten up for a music video/embarrass her. But, what if this was just 5-9 Brim protocol, where they record their attacks. Was the attack on Nicki Minaj a Twitter beef or another gang hit because Cardi B wanted it...YIKES! Remember there were rumors that Cardi B was going to attack Nicki at the MTV Awards, but they waited until the Harper's Bazaar NYFW event.


Cardi B's Best Friend, Star Brim, Caught in FBI Gang Sweep and Charged With Attack on Bartenders at Queens Strip Club

In the indictment, it states that members and associates promoted and celebrated "in music" and on social media, the criminal conduct. I am sure there are a bunch of struggle rappers in this gang, but which struggle rapper is known for making "bloody moves" in their "bloody shoes"???

We have to remember that when Cardi B's name was brought up in the 9 Trey case, it was not by

Tekashi. The PROSECUTOR brought up Cardi's name in order to tie her in with a NY gang. They don't ask questions for the hell of it. There was a purpose.

This also reminds of how a Barbz tricked Cardi into admitting her gang ties after Atlantic denied any. This crack'd me up so much. DUMB-DUMB


I was told that Star Brim did plead not guilty in court. I have not seen any proof yet.

I will do updates here, so follow this post if you are interested. Also, send me any info you have on the case that shows the FEDS are expanding their case. This could end up being nothing more than it is now.



According to this document, Star Brim got a delay until March 31st, 2020 because she is involved in a plea negotiation. Could Star Brim being making he smart move instead of the dumb bitch move she has made her entire life? The FEDS have all the leverage in this case. There is no incentive for them to do a plea deal unless Star Brim is willing to give up something or SOMEONE...I-Oops!

According to this document, Star Brim got a delay until March 31st, 2020 because she is involved in a plea negotiation. Could Star Brim being making he smart move instead of the dumb bitch move she has made her entire life? The FEDS have all the leverage in this case. There is no incentive for them to do a plea deal unless Star Brim is willing to give up something or SOMEONE...I-Oops!

Star Brim did say she got pregnant to she would have something to live for. Y'all think Star Brim is choosing her son over everyone else, as she should?

This also could be Star Brim is willing to plead guilty if she gets less time. It saves everyone from having to go to court on a case we know she will not win.




Due to the CoronaVirus, Star Brim's surrender date has been pushed back to April 27th.

Did Star Brim and Cardi B snitch to get plea deals in attack on Jade and Baddie Gi?
Red Canary



On April 23rd, Star Brim requested permission to travel to North Carolina to help with funeral arrangements for her mother. Tragically, Star Brim has lost both her parents this month. Her father died on April 2nd from infection, and her mother died on April 16th from COVID-19. The judge did grant her request.

Court hearings have been postponed until June 16th.

According to this document, Star Brim gave birth on March 2, 2020.

Isn't it ironic that Star's bestie tried using the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to go viral?



It looks like Star Brim wants her information to remain confidential. That's bad news for me. The good news is that it doesn't look like Tyshawn Atkins, Jeffrey Bush, or India Lane have a protective order...yet.

Star Brim Charged With Attacking Sisters Jade and Baddie Gi at Queen Strip Club For Cardi B

I can't wait for Star Brim's trial to start. I want them to get into who ordered the hit on the bartenders and why did the girls need to be attacked twice. Who really wasn't happy about the first attack?


Update #5

Nothing much to report. Star Brim and her co-defendants had a conference call yesterday with the judge. The case was pushed back again. It looks like Star Brim is the only one who is out. The rest are in custody.

I ready for that Canary talk.


Update #6 - 3/2

Star Brim Charged With Attacking Sisters Jade and Baddie Gi at Queen Strip Club For Cardi B

Like with most cases, Star Brim's hearings keep getting pushed back due to COVID, so I haven't had anything involving the case to really report on.

However, it does seem that Star Brim had issues with her ankle monitor due to the recent surgery to removed "material that had been injected into her body." In a March 26th letter to the judge, Star Brim's attorney claims that Star Brim had called her to complain about terrible pain due to swelling in her legs. The ankle monitor started cutting into her leg due to the bloating. It was replaced with a larger monitor.

Star Brim Charged With Attacking Sisters Jade and Baddie Gi at Queen Strip Club For Cardi B

I'm ready for Star Brim's plea deal to be exposed. Canary Brim!

Thanks to Wendy Li of No Frauds Media for the heads up.


Update #7 - 6/29

Hmmm...some defendants are working on a plea deal...still.

Star Brim Charged With Attacking Sisters Jade and Baddie Gi at Queen Strip Club For Cardi B


Update #8 - 10/20

Star Brim put in a request to be off home detention for work and personal reasons. The judge granted her request. She has a hearing on Monday.

Star Brim Charged With Attacking Sisters Jade and Baddie Gi at Queen Strip Club For Cardi B


Updated: 5/25 at 6:50 PM PST

Star Brim's attorney submitted a letter on her behalf and it is under seal. Does anyone hear squealing? Does anyone hear the songs of a canary?


Updated 4/5/2023 at 8:26 PM PST

So, according to court docs, it looks like Star Brim is willing to plead guilty to 2 x racketeering and one count of maiming in the Southern District of NY. In the Eastern District, they show her charges as terminated.

The way Star Brim has been moving on social media, I don't think her guilty plea is coming with any hard time - if she does any time at all. If Star Brim gets a slap on the wrist, we will need to ask, "How the hell did a "Godmother" of a dangerous street gang walk away from Fed charges?" We know what 6ix9ine did.

I am getting Cardi B deja vu.

I can't wait to see how this ends.



Updated 1/5/2024 at 7:46 PM PST

They say birds of a feather flock together, and in the case of Star Brim and Cardi B, they also take plea deals together. 

On July 25, 2023, Star Brim, aka Yonette Davis, entered a guilty plea to charges including conspiracy to commit maiming, assault with a dangerous weapon in aid of racketeering, and conspiracy to commit assault in aid of racketeering.

The second charge stems from her greenlighting the 2018 attack on sisters Jade and Baddie Gi at a Queens strip club. For the judge to accept this plea deal, Star Brim had to admit guilt and briefly summarize her role in the crime. Below is what she said per the transcripts:

"During the period of 2012 through early 2020, I conspired with others to participate in the 59 Brims, a gang that I belonged to for many years, I held a senior position in the gang as godmother. In 2018, while I was incarcerated, other members of the gang had a dispute with nongang members and asked for my permission to authorize an assault of these nongang people. I gave them permission to do so, even though I did not participate, the assault took place in Queens, New York."

That was the plea hearing version of events; I would love to read what she said in those sealed documents. I just don't believe that she and Cardi B, who plead guilty to 2 misdemeanor charges of assault in the third degree and reckless endangerment in the second degree in 2022, did not have to pull a 6ix9ine to get these sweetheart deals, especially in Star Brim's case. 

Star Brim has not been sentenced yet, but the way she is acting online, if she does get any time, she will be out before Tory Lanez. 

The lingering question is why Star Brim wasn't charged at the state level like Cardi B if the Feds were just going to let her plead out without making a public spectacle of catching the "Godmother" of the 59 Brims or charge Cardi B at the federal level. Cardi has publicly admitted to being a blood. 

The only difference between Star Brim and Cardi B is one is...nvm. 

Well, I will finally bid adieu to this post once Star Brim is sentenced next month. 


Comment, Like, Share...Thanks!



This last update has me side eyeing Star!! You been running around a little TOO unbothered for someone with a federal case



You staying on top of this! I completely forgot about all of this! Great timeline and breakdown.


Fck Yaya
Fck Yaya


MissLeo 814
MissLeo 814

Exactly Yaya where the support of her friend. Hell what happened to black lip Remy? She's been silent. And she had jeffrey out here still selling drugs, arrested for that and now he indicted worh the feds? If she thinks that wont look bad in thos state case she is sadly mistake . They should have taken the plea deal. Not that it matter . Theyd just he in jail with the feds telling them " when yall done over there, we got something for you "


MissLeo 814
MissLeo 814

Cardi is simply an idiot. They going to save her for last like they were going to do tekashi then hears on the wore they were going to kill him so they brought them all in. She has resources so they want to be prepared.

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