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H.E.R. Addresses Industry Plant Rumors


H.E.R. addressed the industry plant talk that surrounds her name. Um...even though I understand the side-eye around some of her success, I do think she makes a great point about how people love to generalize and stick artists in two boxes - underrated or industry plant.

I don't think she is an industry plant, I do believe she is highly favored.


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kbyte prez
kbyte prez
Jun 30, 2021

I don't think H.E.R. is an industry plant at the end of the day she still has the talent, she has the voice, people actually like her, her music sells and she knows how to perform!!!!! Industry Plants are those who are placed in a certain position for others to win or make money off of that have no real talent, their just made to look as if they do and when they are used up they will be replaced!!!!

Case in Point of an Industry Plant: who Jessie Woo was talking about the other day!!!!


Jun 30, 2021

Industry plant ehhh nah not it my eyes. But I definitely believe that H.E.R is an industry favorite/ slash the r&b golden girl right now.


Jun 30, 2021

HER is a breath of fresh air. A true musician.

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