It looks like Cardi B's "Assisted Living" has found a director...<drumroll>!
Deadline is reporting that Thembi Banks has signed on to direct Cardi B in her leading role debut. Thembi is one of the rising stars in the directing circle and Nicki Minaj's best friend since high school. The chess moves don't stop.
Well, despite any rap beefs, you would think that this would be a time to celebrate, considering that opportunities like this don't come around often for Black women. But it seems like not everyone is in a congratulatory mood. Another one of Nicki Minaj's besties, Viola, has taken her grievances to Instagram and is calling Thembi an opp for not revealing this news while at Papa Bear's birthday party.
Oh, lawwwd, this is another messy situation that should have been handled privately. If Viola is really trying to be a ride or die friend to Nicki, she would not have been so public, unless...nvm.
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I went and looked into my eight ball and it told me that this movie will not come off the ground 😂 Naw but fr I think Viola took it upon herself to address this w/o Nicki knowing.
I shouldn’t have to find out my bff of 25 years working with someone who try to attack me physically and spiritually over the internet I couldnt get a text or call that’s some fake ass shit no matter how you try to spin it don’t try to blindside me where the hell is the loyalty at
Idc how great of an opportunity it was, this is done str8 up opp shit. It’s the very definition of unloyalty. How you betray ya bestie since HS like that or at least not have the balls to tell her when it was offered to you but sit @ her house & smile on her face at her sons bday party smh shakes in the grass everywhere. This was def not a coincidence, out of all the black female directors, they pick one of Nicki’s HS besties, this is indeed a chess move. Executives and producers are working behind the scenes to bring any & everybody away from Nicki, stay woke. If she’s truly an amazing director, another great opportunity…
Star brim won’t even listen to a Nicki minaj song, that is how deep her loyalty is.