Nicki Minaj is again promoting her upcoming "Queen Radio" show by using the played-out "CockSucker Of The Day Award." We all know that she either does not give out the award or won't say who won it directly. So these paid writers will stay a mystery until she sends out a tweet to her pigeons so they can go around shitting out the names.

This brings me to her other played-out promo tactic...mentioning "The Help." I think she calls her competition the "The Help" cause she is using them to help promote her "Swan Song" era, which may or may not result in an album. Unfortunately for her, she can only keep doing this for so long before people start demanding she #DropTheAlbum.
I was talking to someone saying how back when Nicki Minaj signed her record deal, it was one of the best in the industry, but now in 2022, it's not that good because of the number of albums she owes. No new female rapper should sign a deal for more than 3 albums. Don't let the advance blind you.
Also, let's not act like this announcement is not a distraction from Jason Lee's awful show, where it was revealed Nicki follows the guy who threatened Cardi B. That was heard loud and clear.
I never thought there would be a day Yung Miami would have a better show than Nicki Minaj, yet she does.
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this blogger always making me laugh.... " she is using them to help promote" Let them promote themselves first.....LOL.
What happened to Queen Radio? I know Amazon is kicking themselves.
She is going to fucking ruin Queen Radio with this shit.
I fell asleep through the last one on AMP. I remember listening & anticipating QR episodes on AM, now it’s just mess & unorganized
This would’ve been the perfect opportunity to reminisce, best moments, idk but she missing the mark focusing on the negative!!!
I liked QR when it was on Apple.
Lol how it’s a one sided beef if the writer from NYpost came at her and she basically just responded and defend herself ?