Saweetie gave a surprise performance on the Santa Monica pier today. To keep it authentic to the pier experience, she had her tip bucket out as she sang her hit song "My Type" and her new single "Fast (Motion.).
As I was watching, I was wondering why is Saweetie doing this to herself. It did not seem productive. But then I saw a tweet that said, "I love how seriously Saweetie is taking her boot camp." From that perspective, putting her out there in front of a random crowd to see if she can get them hyped and keep them engaged is a great way to challenge an artist.

However, even looking at it from that perspective, I still have the same concern. Optics do matter. People viewing the video may not understand that the Santa Monica Pier is world-famous for artists of all types performing for tips. Saweetie was simply taking it back to the basics to help build up the skills she feels she lacks. I think all of that will get lost in translation from just viewing the video. With her album dropping soon, I don't think she should put out anything that may have people questioning her ability to put on a great performance.
Is Saweetie being too transparent with her attempt to grow as an artist or is this is great for fans to see?
On a funny note, Saweetie captioned her video, "Rent was dueee. Streetie in the streets...catch me next time. luhh y'all.
One thing about Saweetie, she is not going to give Chipmunk the reaction he wants. If y'all haven't noticed, AK is trying to be the Kevin Samuels of Hip Hop reporting. He has always been bitter towards women he could never get but he is laying on extra-thick now. He has also moved from Tory's dick to Quavo's and nicknamed Saweetie "Streetie." She'll take it lol.
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I think it was dope. I like the whole artist development. They have been moving the new girls and pushing them into the spotlight way before they are really ready. I think this is going to help her connect with more people in person and build her confidence. I didn’t care for her to post it, but someone would have posted the video anyways. glad she posted it too. I do think she should have been louder. I heard the track way more than her.