I did a little Tory Lanez search, and his "bad luck charms" have moved on to figuring out how he can get the least amount of time possible while still holding on to that pipe dream of a winnable appeal.
This brings me to a victim impact statement, which is a written or oral statement made by the victim at sentencing telling the judge how their lives have been affected by the defendant's actions. The victim can also request for the defendant to receive a particular sentencing.
Do you think Megan should provide such a statement (minus sentence recommendation) at Tory Lanez's sentencing on January 27th, 2023?
I say Megan should show Tory the same mercy he showed her. I am an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth type of bitch. Off with his head, I say.
Updated 4/10 at 1:22 PM PST
According to Meghan Cuniff, Megan Thee Stallion is expected to provide a victim's impact statement, which is part of the reason Tory Lanez's sentencing will not occur after his motion for a new trial is denied. I am so proud of Megan. She is seeing this through to the end and not leaving anything up to chance. We do not want the judge going light on Tory thinking Megan has moved on and is Ok now.

Also, today the judge was to hear Tory's motion for a new trial, but that was delayed because his lawyers want to respond to the D.A.'s response and bring up new issues. The hearing will be next week.
"New media" was again out there making a mockery of themselves.
Speak, Heart, Share...Thanks!
Hey how do you get court transcripts I wanna see the witnesses statement.
If he appeals and it gets approved...wouldn't the state have to go back to court not megan? Because she didn't press charges.
Naw. Let God deal with him. Megan focusing now on 1501 which she got a small win today.
That’s what she’s probably waiting for…we still don’t know what his sentence will be..it’s best to wait to release a statement