Ya'll feeling the tattoo?
SukiHana has decided to get a big-ass tiger on the side of her beautiful ass face. When fans asked her about why she got the tattoo so big she replied, "That's the difference y'all play it safe and I'm a wild card." Okkkkk
I hope this is a fake tattoo for a music video.
Suki Hana coming with that FIYAH soon. This song may have Saucy Santana on it!
I love the Bantu Knots.
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@Vanessa...OH so she is trolling. I was looking at the tattoo gun and it did not seem like it was buzzing and she was not flinching at all. I was wondering if it was just a faux tat. I know damn well she don't like tigers that much lol.
I hope it’s fake too! I know she pulled this stunt before with the gucci mane ice cream face tat lmao.