My mentions are in shambles after I posted excerpts from Variety's story, Nicki Minaj Is on the Grammy Ballot in Rap Categories — Just Not for 'Super Freaky Girl.'
As you can tell by the title, Variety cleared up misconceptions about Nicki Minaj not being allowed to compete in rap categories. They pointed out that Nicki Minaj's "DWHAP" is up for consideration in rap. Nicki is also listed as a featured artist on several rap submissions, including Coi Leray's "Blick, Blick."
However, that is not why my mentions are in shambles. People are in a tizzy because Variety exposed that Nicki Minaj may have jumped the gun when she insinuated that the Grammys were trying to remove her as competition so Latto could win a Grammy. They wrote,
"Minaj’s apparent belief that she was bounced out of rap in order to clear a path for Latto’s “Big Energy” may not entirely hold water. It’s not clear at all that “Super Freaky Girl” and “Big Energy” ever would have contended in the same category. Because while it’s been rumored that “Super Freaky Girl” was originally submitted by Minaj’s camp for best rap performance, then rejected, “Big Energy” is not included in that category, either. The Latto song is on the ballot under the separate category of best melodic rap performance.
Hmmm....so how is moving Nicki Minaj from a category that Latto never submitted, "Big Energy," for going to pave the way for a Latto win?
While you ladies ponder that question, let me tell you what will pave the way for a Latto win - NICKI'S NASTY ATTITUDE.
Latto was never considered a frontrunner to win an award. She is still at the stage of her career where it's just an "honored to be nominated." That doesn't mean she can't win, but she was not considered a frontrunner by the reports I had read. But, after Nicki tried sabotaging her with claims of corporate giants elevating new artists above her, Grammy voters may now have an interest in seeing Latto win. The Grammys love a good storyline. Nicki just gave her a one.
Let's not act like Cardi B's Grammy did not have anything to do with sending Nicki Minaj a message. So, let's see if Nicki can help another girl get a Grammy...I-Oops.
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Ya’ll kill me always breastfeeding & caping for these entailed bratty bitches,can’t even have an unbiased stance on this situation smh. Clearly Scratch Off has been an undercover snake showing fake love to get a feature & she exposed her fakeness. Illegally recording your so called idol on the phone, trying to get her say something salacious so you can use it against them at a later date is snake behavior & that’s exactly why Rihanna & Katy Perry unfollowed her ass🤣. Getting on Twitter lying on Nicki saying she said shit they she didn’t say & then leaking the illegal recording only exposing that you’re a lying snake who can’t even talk straight. Nicki literally didn’t say anything malicious…
Again, goes to show that Grammy wins are not based on someone’s talent or quality of music, rather used to “send a message” to certain artists… your words. It’s all BS, and doesn’t hold the weight it did many many years ago.