Page Six reports that a source revealed that Megan Thee Stallion will be the next cover girl on Sports Illustrated highly coveted Swimsuit Issue. I think the only Black woman to have a solo SI Swimsuit cover is Tyra Banks; could Megan Thee Stallion become the second?
According to Page six, Megan's team met with Sports Illustrated, which doesn't automatically mean she got the cover, but she could be in the issue. This would be a huge win for Hip Hop, female rap, and Black girls. Also, it was mentioned that Megan is working on a new album.
At this time, it's still just a RUMOR...
It looks like Beyonce and Danielle Herrington had solo SI Swimsuit covers, along with Tyra Banks.
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If this is true, Meg will be making Herstory as the 1st Rapper to be on the Cover & the 3rd Blk women. I love that for her. Secure the Bags, Endorsements & Fashion Mag covers. Meg & her Bikinis are a duo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And pagesix lowkey get their info directly from Roc Nation lol. So it’s more than likely true! Go Meg!
This would be a MAJOR look for Meg. And it fits right into her hot girl summer brand. And Y’all know Meg love her bikini‘s! 😩
I wonder if this was what she was working out so hard for when she had Hottie Boot Camp. I remember her saying was excited about something and she had a time limit to get in shape.